Meet The Pack
With over 40 years in business, Cedar Dale Pet Resort continues to provide the highest quality of pet care in the industry and our dedicated staff strives to raise the bar every single day! Our Managers, Supervisors, Handlers, Trainers, & Groomers bring lifetimes of passion and combined decades of real hands on experience to the resort. We utilize that experience not only by providing exceptional care for your pet but also by hosting internships through Career Coaches of Wisconsin to help others gain the knowledge and develop the skills needed to navigate their way in the animal industry. Our staff is known to volunteer with local animal rescues and various community causes as a group, and we recently adopted a section of high way to maintain. We know that it takes a village and here at Cedar Dale Pet Resort, we are committed to the success of our village. We sincerely appreciate the trusted endorsement of multiple local veterinarians, support of other pet industry businesses, and the endless encouragement of our community as a whole!